Sit Back and Relax (Maybe)
Sound fun doesn’t it, just taking it easy. Watch life go by and wonder what you will do for the day. Well for me I sit back and watch then wonder. Sit at a job and watch and listen to people, their job is so overwhelmed that it sucks the life out of them. I know you are to work and be productive but when it consumes your entire life, there is a problem. You have to walk away, but sometimes they say it’s part of your job, regardless if you are working at work or home. That is a negative to me, because if I ever leave where I work and go somewhere else you think they will call… nope. My family will go before my job any day. Family is always there, work isn’t. That is because work wants productivity to make them look better not for you to better yourself. This goes for any job you may be one, it is sad but it’s the American way. You know stress will kill you if you worry about it all the time.
If everyone would stop! Take a breath and say where is this getting me? In the grave quicker putting my family on the sideline while I move up. Think about it, is it worth it? Now I do well at my job make fairly good, but God test me all the time, He does not want me wealthy. He uses me to do work for Him with my skills and talents He blessed me with. I focus on this all the time and He does not let me forget it, by putting a little bug in my ear, a whisper. God calls us for duties not to boast ourselves with luxuries. What is funny to me is that most wealthy people are in misery. That is because they do not have God in their lives. It makes a huge different when you have issues, you can always turn to Him for answers and He will give you piece of mind.
America is a workaholic country, they would rather make millions than say I am a Christian and would do anything for Him. If every American would realize their gifts and put them to use this Country would get back on its feet and be productive and fruitful again. But as I see it America is a lost and dying Country, without any faith. You can see this by how in the last few years we are turning away from God. We are letting atheist and gays take over our Country. They say they do not like something the Government agrees with them and they win and get the victory. Until the Christians take more of stand on issues, even if it means getting arrested then the Country will fall for sure. Look what happen to Rome.
One thing I encourage each of you to do is read this book
If this book does not change your heart then something is wrong with you. The book is free. It will show you how we have it made in this Country and take things for granted while other countries struggle with just trying to worship God without getting killed or beaten. Think about what I have said and you will have a change of heart.
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