When Christians Win
I am appalled at all the conversations going on about homosexual, honestly they need to be buried alive. This is such an immoral act it is insane. How can anyone think or look at another person of the same gender and get a thrill out of it. It makes me sick!!!! It seems like now you cannot turn on the tv or radio without hearing something about it. I just don’t get it… they say I was born this way, I am sorry but God did not create bad people. God gives man & woman a choice to make, right or wrong path. If you choose the wrong path then you will pay in the end. If you choose the correct path you will have eternal life.
Now about our President, how can someone stand in front of a Nation and say I am against same-sex marriage but you have the right to choose, then try and FORCE this on the straight ones. It is unethical and not moral. Like I have said before if the President is a Christian he would turn against this, but this just proves my theory of being a non-Christian. You put a Dem in office and the Country goes to Hell. I have seen this to many times in the pass. When a REP is in off you have morals and values.
Now this brings me to my last point, yea let our Country keep going down the tube and living like they want. I will be glad when God wrap comes across our land, then and only then will these unethical people realize just who is in control and the path they should of choose. The Christians will prevail in time. It may look grim now but in the end the Christian wins. I know God is very unhappy on how the world has gone, but everything is prophecies. For those who do not believe in the bible and think it is just a book, you day is coming. For the Christians keep the faith for God has a better place for us. All this we suffer we will all have glory in the end and we will be the winners.
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