Tearing Down America
Well , today I finally read Obama’s speak in Cairo and was appall by it. For what all the Presidents have done in the pass, good or bad, Obama just ripped the U.S. heart out and stepped on it. Everything stated in his speech was for the Muslims, what he will do for them and only them. He would step in some and say oh the Christians this and that. He claimed in it that he is a Christian, NOT..no way he quoted the Koran passages more than he did the Bible. He is setting policy in place for the Muslims to where everybody will have to abide to them. I am sorry but I do not really care for the Muslims. But one day they will reign, as prophecies. To me all he is doing is setting the stage to silent’s American Christians and bring forth the muslim religion.
In every speech I had heard from Presidents they have always praised the America people and how WE as a nation will do this and work on that. Obama gives the world the impression this is what “I” will do for the Muslim world and how “I” will set the stage for the world to be a better placed where we live as a whole “free and non-violent world”. He also talks about Nations not have nuclear weapon to be free from them. That may happen one day, after the Rapture. He thinks he can solve all world problems in a matter of weeks or months. Good luck. I know he is going to have America in so much debt by the end of his term that our children will be repaying for years and years.
As a Christian we “All Christians” need to step up to the plate and start making a MAJOR stands on things. Otherwise we will continue to be walked over and silenced. It only takes one person to start a revolution. So join me in the fight to win American back to God.
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