Hello, Anybody There
Well been awhile, but have had a lot going on. I have had been extremely busy.
What do you do when the phone rings, “you say hello”, but what if you say hello and they do not say anything. You may say hello twice then hang-up. I am sure all of us have been there before, I know I have. But eventually you get a call, say hello and the other person will speak to you.
Who else will do that to you? I am sure you guess God. God will call you to serve him in many ways, just as the phone rings and people ask you to help or give you time, for the needs of others. He will keep call for awhile, but sometimes that call will go away and the phone will never ring. But then you will sit back and ask yourself what happen. Why am I feeling grumpy, unhappy and unfulfilled? You cry out to God… GOD help me I NEED you and you pray your heart out and wait. Then one day, the phone rings. You say hello and it’s God, again. All you have to do is yes Lord what do I need to do and where do I need to go. You lead me and I will follow.
This has been me and how my life has gone thru growth and changes. I may not be the perfect Christian, but I try my best. I try to do every call I receive. In the last few years the calls have gotten louder and louder. My heart pounds when I get one because I know in my heart, God has a bigger plan for me than sitting behind a desk at my work, where there is no satisfaction except for others.
With me doing these blogs I can share my heart and my witness to others. Maybe someone out there will feel what I feel and go do what God is calling them to do…..
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