Obama To Save The World


He talks intelligent but what does he really know. Who is he and what is he up to? Questions the America people would like to know. He states that the US is not at war with Islam, NO. Up to this point a President would not mention anything like this unless he is muslim. What else explains his behavior?

Israel even wonders about him. What is sad is the US has always been close to Israel, what gives. Is this the beginning of the end, I would say yes. Everything is prophecy that happens. If you don’t believe me ready, Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelations. It is a day coming that for most non-Christians is a sad day. For the Christians we will rejoice with gladness knowing our Father has come to take us home. Everytime I think of it I get exciting, beyond the grave.

Now Obama saying we are not at war with Islam, no we aren’t. It is a war of Christians vs. Islam and we know who will win. Do you want to be on the winning team, if so, it is easy. All you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus, trust Him, ask for your sins to be forgiving then ask him into your heart. For the day will come when you cross that line. What side do you want to choose?